Wednesday, October 26, 2011


kimber, maddy and ellie's dad and i divorced a few years ago and for whatever reason he's struggled with being an active parent. i've run through all the emotions that come along with that, most of the time now i don't even think about it, especially now that they have rob. however every once in a while things creep in and bother me. most recently, it was ellie's birthday and he didn't call, neither did anyone in his family. i'm not sure why it bothers me so much, i should just expect it by now, but it does, it also makes me a little bit sad that ellie didn't even notice. when i voiced this opinion someone responded with "Sometimes people have the devils within themselves that take up all their thoughts. Sometimes we're quick to make judgements without realizing the struggles being gone through. For what its worth I hope she had a good birthday"
I said "unfortunately this isn't the first time they have been ignored by their family. it's been happening for years. i'm not quick to judge, i know as well as the next guy that people have struggles, i've certainly had my fair share, sometimes we have to put our struggles, selfish desires and egos aside for the sake of the children. since you don't know how many times i've done that maybe you're the one that's being quick to judge. i guess i should stop having expectations of their dad but your mom and i just had several conversations about his side of the family being more involved and not just coming into their lives sporadically, in fact it was my only condition for her seeing them, i will just be grateful that someone stepped in to make up for what your brother isn't willing to do..."
i guess it's time for me to realize that
Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist
- Michael Levine

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